Are you ready toFace Your Fears?

As a mental health advocate, Soa Palelei is a man who knows the power of facing your fears. He has faced his own fears to become one of the most successful MMA fighters in history, and now he uses his story to inspire others to face their fears.

Are you ready toFace Your Fears?

As a mental health advocate, Soa Palelei is a man who knows the power of facing your fears. He has faced his own fears to become one of the most successful MMA fighters in history, and now he uses his story to inspire others to face their fears.


A former UFC fighter and more popularly known as Soa “The Hulk” is now known for his work in the mental health and family violence space after retiring from a long and successful career in the Octagon.

Palelei’s tough childhood experiences and the large platform has led him to take on bigger roles such as being an ambassador for Macmahon Holdings, White Ribbon, and Make a Wish Foundation to spread the message and raise awareness around mental health and domestic violence.

After hanging up the gloves, The Hulk turned from a fighter to an author, penning his memoir, “Face Your Fears” where he detailed his childhood life and how he became a UFC superstar after graduating from the school of hard knocks.

His MMA career spanned 13 years, retiring with a 22-5 winning record from 27 bouts. A total of 18 fights were won by knockout, with the remaining four won by submission.

A Former MMA & UFC Fighter

Soa spent 13 years in the MMA industry before retiring with a 22-5 winning record, 18 fights won by knockout, and 4 won by submission.

A Mental Health Advocate

Soa can never afford to be silent when he knows that his voice can make a difference in improving the overall mental health of a community.

Author of Face Your Fears

Soa wrote a book called "Face Your Fears" where he shared his childhood, physical abuse experiences, and his turning point as a UFC Fighter.

A Movie and TV Series Actor

Soa appeared in several Australia films, suchs as Son of a Gun, Zombie Ninjas vs Black Ops, Outlaws, Hitting the Road, Avarice and more.

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“Really thorough program and added services to the Strong Minds Strong Mines scope. We completed the 12 month program with our projects and saw an immediate change in culture and willingness to discuss Mental Health

“The Strong Minds Strong Mines program was initially rolled out company wide in 2018 which saw us win the Mentally Healthy Workplace award for the amazing work the team did. We are 5 years in and its been a huge success.” 

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